"Is it time again?.."

What's good everybody? Sandman Slimm, reporting to you live from my music cave. As we prepare to present our 3rd album "Aquarigo", I've found myself reflecting on the 6 month process that produced this body of work. Chase and I were just talking about it all and I expressed how happy I am with what we created.

A WHOLE lot has changed since our last album (Trouble Chasin' 2). Relationships, struggles (mental and at times financial), moments of severe lows, as well as highs. A lot of gripes with myself and with the world and reality I exist in. All of these thoughts and emotions found their way onto a good amount of these records. I felt myself grow from the whole process this time around. More significantly than any time before.

I write all of this to ultimately say, I'm proud of what we've accomplished. The future seems very bright as of late which I cant help but smile about. My hope is when you all hear this album, you understand, comprehend, and appreciate the perspective and effort we expressed. I'm confident that you'll feel the same as I do when the last song finishes.

So with all that said, THANK YOU. For every listen, share, follow, like, retweet/repost, word of encouragement or affirmation, EVERYTHING. None of this is possible without your eyes, ears, and support.

If no one's told you today, I love you!



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